Wednesday, 15 August 2018



Do you know what turns you on?
Is it a lady, with a furry thong?
The slightest peek of soft white breast?
Or just a nipple, poking through a vest?
Big black eyes? Or bright red lips?
Someone that is good with whips?
The smoothness of a fresh shaved quimm?
Someone that is really thin?
Do you need a mask and lead?
To satisfy your special need?
Being tied up on your bed?
Doing it in the garden shed?
Big hard slaps on your bum?
Raspberry's blown on your tum?
An alabaster arse slipping from the covers,
Makes me glad that we are lovers.

April 2018



We love to see the sun come out,
It makes us smile to go round-a-bout.
To go and play out in the sun,
We're full of joy and fun, fun, fun.
Singing birds up in the trees,
Beautiful flowers blow in the breeze.
Green, green grass to roll about,
Oh, to laugh and scream and shout.
We hope that summer never ends,
So we can play with our friends.

March 2018

My Friend

My Friend

I've known you now for quite a while,
Your little giggles make me smile.
It's like you know all the best jokes,
All the laughs we'd have, if you spoke.
You bounce around like nothings wrong,
Enjoying life, just one great song.
But sadly now, it's the end,
I hope in life that we were friends.
Now you've gone to a better place,
I bet there's a smile upon your face.
So laugh and bounce my old friend,
Now your body's free again.

For BM November2017

How'd you Feel

How'd you Feel

I'd like to tell you how I feel today
With both my hands, I hear you say. Not just
The left, or just the right. I use them both
To squeeze you tight. When your freezing, or if
Your sneezing. There, to make you feel alright.

November 2017

Oh you Beauty

Oh you Beauty

Oh you beauty,
You little cutie.
In your brown suit so fine,
I hope you'll be mine.
In your bed of Snow White,
I can't wait till tonight.
Under your blood red sheet,
I can't wait for this treat.
You make me so mannish,
My fish finger sandwich!

Long ago



Life is like a sewing.
Sewing begins with a blank cloth,
As does life.
Life, builds one step at a time.
Sewing, one stitch at a time.
Life, walking, then running.
Sewing, a stitch, then a row.
Life, slowly growing into a family.
Sewing, into a pattern.
Both vibrant and joyful,
Growing in size and shape.
Both reaching their pinnacle,
Then slowly fading.
Life and thread ebbing away.
Colours fade as the seasons,
Until the leaves fall,
And the pattern book shuts.

For BB March 2018



Turn the key, open the door,
Step onto the hallway floor,
Mind the dogs and the Brompton too.
On the left the bedroom,
Close the door, don't have a look,
Look out the window, there's a rook.
Across the landing, there's the potty
Plenty of paper if you get snotty,
A little room, it's quite grotty,
There's a mandolin up on the wall,
Just in case you're in for the long haul.
To the                          
Into the lounge, the room for all,
The dogs are chasing a rubber ball,
Flying furniture, it's a squall.
So into the kitchen, for a cuppa.
Why don't you stay for supper?

February 2018 



Eyes alight
Nostrals flare
Stands upon his hill
Throws back his crown
Roars aloud
Come take me if you will.
For he is king of all he sees
He'll take you in a rut
I doubt you'll win, but if you do
It's yours, good luck.
Two battle axe's upon his head
Covered with deadly tines
Thrashes them on the ground
To intimidate the foe.
The advantage, it's his
He holds the higher ground
A mighty charge, antlers lock
The foe, he is to weak.
He backs away, again a charge
He cannot take the hill
Slips away, head dipped in shame
This year, there will be no heir.
Upon the hill the monarch roars
To signal the others retreat
Then wallows on the ground
In the urine of his-self.
The Hinds come to oestrus
He mounts them one by one
For he is king, his line is safe
The Hinds will bear his sons.

February 2018

Sunday, 5 August 2018

This Body

This Body

My body's weak, my mind is too.
What is my future? I have no clue!
I once was young but now i'm old,
The fire within is going cold.
I once was fast but now I'm slow,
I just can't make this body go.
I creek all day, and groan all night,
Whatever I try, it's just not right.
The spirit in me just won't ignite,
Is it time to turn out the light?

December 2015

Bird Table

Bird Table

Alfresco dining all year round
The bestest food in all of town
Al-a-carte menu on the ground.

Breakfast, dinner, lunch or tea
Eat what you want, all for free
There's bread, nut, plenty of seed
Meal worm, sunflower, all you need.

There's bar and bath for you to use
Catch-up on the local news
Come along to chit and chat.
Just watch out for next doors cat.

January 2018 

Wedding Day

Wedding Day

In life not all treasure is made of gold.
You were so small, you gave us so much joy,
Entering life at minus five weeks old.
You are, have, and always are, our perfect boy.

You never grew tall, but you grew strong,
Full of strength, knowledge and determination.
No challenge to tough, that was your song,
You've given us so much jubilation.

You met a woman, your head in a cloud,
Someone to love, your troubles to share.
On this special day you make us proud,
And for you both, we will always be there.

So get off your arses, and raise your glasses,
Bride and Groom, Karen and James, Kavasses.

December 2017



Heading towards the gates of hell,
The unwelcoming glow of death.
A pungent beauty to it's smell,
Fills your nostrils, takes your breath.

Lying on a hot flaming pyre,
Body engulfed in searing flame.
Slowly glowing, becoming fire.
Abiding time, a waiting game.

A dancing leaping Ballerina,
Hypnotic dazzling perfection.
Turning whirling concertina,
Showing in the others reflection.

From the furnace to cold dark steel,
Smashing crashing, hounding pounding.
Steel meets steel, molecules congeal,
Clanging banging. Ringing singing.

From the fire, nat a cremation,
The Master performs his magic.
Not the end. Regeneration,
The Alchemy is fantastic,

November 2017



Snot runs down my nose, like rain free-falling.
Today I'm smiling, but in my heart.
It's raining. They are laughing, I'm crying.

The thoughts inside my head feel like dying,
With care of our Planet, mans not been smart.
Snot runs down my nose, like rain free-falling.

Global climate change, our world is frying,
Fat-cats smirk and snigger, loading their carts,
They're laughing. I'm crying, Acid raining.

Jaguar, Elephant, Panda vanishing.
Rhino, Bono, all soon to depart.
Snot runs down my nose, like rain free-falling.

Our Sea, like a rubbish bin is filling,
Dirty waters lapping, a pungent fart,
I'm crying. It's raining, I'm not laughing.

This is all we have to keep on living,
Our orb is ebbing. Nature's work of art.
Snot runs down my nose, like rain free-falling.
Acid raining. Who's laughing? We're dying!

October 2017


Erotic Do you know what turns you on? Is it a lady, with a furry thong? The slightest peek of soft white breast? Or just a nipple...